Registration Number: 051814 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: November 8, 2021
Sire: Daggett’s Shay
Dam: Sprague’s Janell
Rory is all that we hoped for with this mating! His dam was the 2020 Grand Champion Dexter Female at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. His sire is one of our favorites, bred by Chuck Daggett. Rory has length, muscle, depth and that easy going temperament that is a must in our herd bulls. His calves are excellent!

Registration Number: 049060 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: March 15, 2021
Sire: Little Hoof Bo
Dam: K Heart Clara
Cooper has been the ideal bull. Like many of his Moosters’ predecessors, he has great bone, good feet and legs, excellent conformation and a great attitude. He is now back with his breeders at Little Hoof Ranch – a tough decision for us to let him go, but with our much smaller herd, we determined that we only need one bull to keep us busy. Cooper is homozygous polled, A2A2, pha and chondrodysplasia free, and ee red.

Tinney’s Apollo
Registration Number: 044618 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: May 23, 2018
Sire: Stargate Red Ryan
Dam: Bar None’s Cherie
Apollo was the culmination of a year long search for just the right new bull for our herd. We finally found him in Missouri. This guy has the conformation we like, great bone, good feet and legs along with an excellent easy going temperament. He is happily living in Pennsylvania now with his new herd.

Red Rover
Registration Number: 040560 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: September 15, 2016
Sire: Euchee Creek’s Red Sonny
Dam: Moosters Yanni
We knew when he was born that this was a special bull calf. He has his sire’s good looks and sweet temperament. He passes on his dam’s excellent conformation and lovely udder (she’s our very favorite cow!). He has a lovely herd of his very own in northwest Wyoming now.
We have a very limited number of his straws available for Rover.

PRF Hondo Lane
Registration Number: 031963 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: March 1, 2013
Sire: Llanfair’s Cinnabar
Dam: Lightning Bug Luna
Hondo (yes, he is named after the John Wayne character) was exactly what we wanted for our herd. We waited for him to be born for what seemed like forever! His late sire is one of our favorite bulls, Llanfair’s Cinnabar. With four years of his calves on the ground, we can honestly say that he made perfect Moosters for us, then went on to do so for several other herds.

Euchee Creek’s Red Sonny
Registration Number: 033448 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: August 3, 2013
Sire: Belle Fourche Washington
Dam: Sant’ Angelo Red Sara
He is the most laid back bull ever. We haltered him in the pasture and brought him in for a bath and took him to show. That’s the temperament we wanted in our calves for sure. Sonny is red (E+E+ and carries dun), homozygous polled, PHA and chondrodysplasia free, and A2/A2. We own his maternal grandmother, so we are certain that he will pass down her exceptional udder. First calves on the ground in 2016 show that we’ve made a great decision by adding this bull to our herd. His fall of 2016 bull calf, Red Rover, is replacing him as herd sire as of 2018. Sonny has moved to a new herd in a warmer state (we are happy for him!).
We have straws available for him (and will be having a Sonny calf or two of our own again this year!).

Gladhour USommDance
Registration Number: 021325 (View Pedigree)
Date of Birth: May 22, 2008
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour Sommerday
‘Dance was our herd bull for nearly four years. He was perfect for us in every way, but we chose to keep a number of his daughters, so he was retired as a Mooster at the end of 2013. Gentle as a lamb, ‘Dance is a shorter guy (41 ½” at the hip at 4 years old). He’s red (does not carry dun), heterozygous polled, PHA and Chondrodysplasia free, A2/A2. His daughters are producing superior calves.
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